Get Involved
Volunteer with SMFM: Volunteering and serving on an SMFM committee is just one of the ways you can give back to the field. Apply to review abstract submissions for the SMFM Annual Pregnancy Meeting with the General Abstract Review Committee, work to create a more inclusive Society by applying for the DE&I Workforce Committee, or apply for the State Liaison Network to help utilize state level advocacy and implementation of state-based public health programs! Apply to serve on one of our 15+ committees.
Contact Your Elected Officials: Contact your legislators at the state and federal levels to voice your thoughts, opinions, and support of key legislative priorities.
State Liaison Network (SLN): This member-led initiative focuses on state-level advocacy and implementation of state-based public health programs. SLN members are seasoned advocates and clinical champions. SMFM supports their efforts to advance policies and implement public health initiatives in their states by providing technical assistance, including reviewing legislation, drafting testimony, supporting media relations, providing opportunities for networking and collaboration, and so much more.
Literature Alert Series: Volunteer members highlight recently published articles of particular interest to MFM specialists.