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Definition of term pregnancy

The label “term” has been replaced with the designations early term (37 0/7 weeks of gestation through 38 6/7 weeks of gestation), full term (39 0/7 weeks of gestation through 40 6/7 weeks of gestation), late term (41 0/7 weeks of gestation through 41 6/7 weeks of gestation), and postterm (42 0/7 weeks of gestation and beyond).

  • The frequency of adverse neonatal outcomes is lowest among uncomplicated pregnancies delivered between 39 0/7 weeks of gestation and 40 6/7 weeks of gestation.
  • The label “term” was replaced by the designations early term, full term, late term, and post- term to more accurately describe deliveries occurring at or beyond 37 0/7 weeks of gestation (Box 1).
  • Uniform definitions of term are predicated on a uniform method of determining gestational age.
