Multidisciplinary consensus on the classification of prenatal and postnatal urinary tract dilation (UTD classification system)
Urinary tract (UT) dilation is sonographically identified in 1–2% of fetuses and reflects a spectrum of possible uropathies. There is significant variability in the clinical management of individuals with prenatal UT dilation that stems from a paucity of evidence-based information correlating the severity of prenatal UT dilation to postnatal urological pathologies. The lack of correlation between prenatal and postnatal US findings and final urologic diagnosis has been problematic, in large measure because of a lack of consensus and uniformity in defining and classifying UT dilation. Consequently, there is a need for a unified classification system with an accepted standard terminology for the diagnosis and management of prenatal and postnatal UT dilation.
Last Reaffirmed: Aug 1, 2016
renal, renal pelviectasis, fetal, ultrasound
Fetal Issues and Complications
SMFM Endorsed Partner Publication